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Don't just believe what you read on the internet (like right now), instead look for the evidence which you can find here... at Strength Framework.
This is just as important for men as it is woman.
Potentially the single most under appreciated factor when it comes to your fitness and overall health goals.
The general consensus has always been that it is not possible, however new scientific studies have shown that it might be...
Are cheat meals killing your results, or helping you get there? Could be either, depending how you approach it, learn what the science has to say in this issue.
Are Rows and Pullups all you need? If not, which bicep isolation exercises do you pick?
Most of us want to get stronger and grow more muscle... Enter powerbuilding, the child born from combining powerlifting and bodybuilding.
Does the science back up the use of bands and chains in training? Do they deliver superior results?
Get your rest time correct for your goals.
Let's face it, if you want to look "jacked" big shoulders are a priority muscle.
Unfortunately, you can't give everything 100%... Follow these evidence based guidelines to craft your own prioritisation program.
Are you doing too much volume?