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Training Mark Christie Training Mark Christie

How long should you rest between sets?

You can have both sides of the scale here, you could be in the category where you superset everything, perhaps your in the category where you sit on your phone between every set or maybe you are just somewhere in between. It doesn’t matter, in this article we will outline what the science has to say regarding rest periods, and what is optimal.

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Training Mark Christie Training Mark Christie

How to actually grow your calves

You may blame genetics, that some people are just blessed with big calves. While this is true to an extent, you can still grow yours. Yes, it’s boring. Doing calf raises isn’t fun, but you gotta do the work! This Guide will help you build a set of calves your wife can be proud of, standing next to you this summer while you get the shorts back out for the family BBQ.

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Training Mark Christie Training Mark Christie

Which programme is best?

Push Pull Legs? Upper Lower? Body Part Split? Full Body? The choices are endless and often time this can lead to analysis paralysis, or just sticking with what you know, what your comfortable with.

We aim to shed some light on what might be the best course of action for your goals whether it is strength, hypertrophy or functional fitness.

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Training Mark Christie Training Mark Christie

Free Weights vs Machines

Ahhhh the age old debate, which is better? It probably dates back to the roman empire, probably not.

Regardless, it’s a topic that is discussed a lot. Below we will outline the evidence based facts and the common sense associated with this question for your consideration.

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